Flanders Make makes available unique test benches to validate modern drivetrains

Flanders Make makes available unique test benches to validate modern drivetrains

Drivetrain manufacturers are looking for ways to make their products more reliable and perform better. Today's drive systems have to meet ever higher requirements, scoring better in terms of power density and energy efficiency. This is a result of the search for cost-efficiency and better performing, more compact and sustainable solutions for driving industrial machines and vehicles. Validation of drive systems or components is therefore essential to make cost-efficient decisions leading to the development of innovative drivetrains.

Benefits of a test bench

For the validation of modern drivetrains, one can perform tests on a complete machine or on a test bench, where only part of the machine is integrated and the rest is emulated. Testing on a complete system requires considerable design, development and installation efforts. A test bench offers the advantage that only the relevant machine or vehicle part must be integrated into the bench and one can quickly start testing on it. Testing can be done early in the design process, so there is no need to develop an expensive, completely finished prototype. In addition, a test bench is located in a safe environment and repeated tests under different conditions can be carried out more easily in a controlled setting.

Flanders Make makes available multiple unique test infrastructures to help companies to innovate better and faster. Below, we will highlight 2 of our modular test benches.

Validate your drivetrain?

Do the challenges associated with drivelines sound familiar to you? Do you also want to optimise your drives? Contact us.

Jeroen De Maeyer, Business Developer

Jeroen De Maeyer has been a business developer at FlandersMake@UGent since 2018. Jeroen holds a doctorate in electrical engineering, previously worked as a project leader in the industry and has more than 10 years of experience as a business developer at UGent, previously for the energy sector and more recently for the manufacturing industry.